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X20DS4389 - Digital signal processing

X20DS4389 - Digital signal processing

  • I/O module 4 digital input channels, 4 digital channels configurable as inputs or outputs, 4 edge detection units with timestamp function (each usable as pulse duration or differential time measurement, 4 history elements per unit), 4x microsecond-accura
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  • 4 digital input channels
  • 4 digital channels, configurable as inputs or outputs
  • 4 edge detection units with timestamp function (each usable as pulse duration or differential time measurement, 4 history elements per unit)
  • 4x precise edge generation down to the µs (up to four edges per unit in each case)
  • 4x oversampling (input and output signal)
  • 24 VDC and GND for sensor/actuator supply
  • NetTime timestamp: Input data, edge detection, edge generation

This module is a digital signal processor module that is used for detecting and evaluating input edges and for creating edges.

An additional essential feature is the module's integrated timestamp function. This allows fast input edges such as registration marks to be detected independently of the system's X2X Link cycle time and provided with a precise input stamp. In the other direction, the module sets outputs at exactly specified times. This is done with a resolution up to 125 ns.

In oversampling mode, the module acquires very short input patters whose low or high phases are shorter than the X2X Link cycle time. Similarly, output patterns (e.g. drum sequencers) can also be output with extremely short high/low times. Oversampling can take place with a scan rate of up to 25 μs.

If necessary, up to 4 events per edge detection unit can be stored in a buffer (history elements).

Other functions include pulse duration measuring and differential time measuring.

Do pobrania
Dane techniczne
X20 digital signal module,
4 digital inputs,
24 VDC,
4 digital outputs,
0.1 A,
oversampling I/O functions
time triggered I/O functions,
Net time function
Gwarancja producenta na 1 rok

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