X20BC0087- Bus reciever/transmiter
- Bus controller Modbus TCP/UDP slave
- Fieldbus: Modbus/TCP, Modbus/UDP
- I/O configuration via the fieldbus
- DHCP-capable
- Bootp-capable
- Integrated double switch for efficient cabling
- Configurable I/O cycle (0.5 to 4 ms)
- Response time: <1 to 8 ms (depending on the load on the integrated switch)
- Validity check for command sequences before execution
Established in 1979, the Modbus protocol has approved the use of Ethernet with both Modbus TCP and Modbus/UDP. Today, Modbus TCP is an open Internet draft standard introduced by Schneider Automation to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the organization responsible for Internet standardization. The Modbus services and object model have been preserved since the original version and left unchanged for use with the TCP/IP transmission medium.
Modbus/UDP differs from Modbus TCP in that it uses connectionless communication via UDP/IP. The advantages of faster and easier communication with UDP/IP also brings with it the disadvantage of requiring error detection and correction in the application layer.
This bus controller makes it possible to connect X2X Link I/O nodes to Modbus via Ethernet. The bus controller can be operated on B&R controllers through the use of Automation Studio or on third-party systems with Modbus TCP or -UDP master functionality.