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X20SLX806 - Safety CPU

X20SLX806 - Safety CPU

  • 8 safe type A digital inputs, 4 pulse outputs, 24 VDC, 6 safe type B2 digital outputs, 24 VDC, 0.2 A, OSSD
4 485,20 zł
brutto / szt.
Cena regularna / szt.
Produkt dostępny w bardzo dużej ilości
Produkt dostępny w bardzo dużej ilości
14 dni na łatwy zwrot
Bezpieczne zakupy
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  • openSAFETY manager for up to 10 SafeNODEs
  • Flexibly programmable using Automation Studio / SafeDESIGNER
  • Innovative management of safe machine options (SafeOPTION)
  • Parameter and configuration management
  • 8 safe digital inputs, sink circuit
  • 4 pulse outputs
  • Software input filter configurable for each channel
  • 6 safe digital outputs, output type B with 0.2 A, source circuit
  • Integrated output protection

The module is equipped with SafeLOGIC functionality that allows it to safely execute applications designed in SafeDESIGNER. The module can be used in safety-related applications up to PL e or SIL 3.

In addition, the module coordinates the safety-related communication of all modules involved in the application. In this context, the module also monitors the configuration of these modules and carries out autonomous parameter downloads to the modules whenever necessary. This guarantees a consistent and correct module configuration in the network from a safety standpoint in all scenarios involving module replacement and service. These services are performed in conjunction with Automation Runtime on the standard CPU.

In addition, SafeLOGIC-X products have the same I/O properties as the associated SafeIO products (X20SC0xxx).

Do pobrania
Dane techniczne
X20 safe digital mixed module
Safety controller
10 openSAFETY nodes
4 SafeMOTION axes
8 safe digital inputs type A
Configurable input filter
4 pulse outputs
24 VDC
6 safe digital outputs type B2
OSSD < 10µs
Gwarancja producenta na 1 rok

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